Offer a specific structure for LLM to fill, ensuring uniformity in outputs.
'Write 3 limericks about people from Silicon valley. Select 3 most prominent types yourself. There should be correct # of syllables and misfortune in each of limericks."
"1. The Startup Founder:
There once was a founder named Lee
In tech, he sought his decree
He launched his app "Glide",
But to his chagrin and pride,
It crashed on day one, oh dearie me!
2. The Software Engineer:",
An engineer named Jay from the Valley,
Rarely left his tech-filled alley.
But his code, once so neat,
Caused a massive retweet,
When a bug made the internet dally.
3. The Venture Capitalist:
A VC with the pockets quite deep,
Bought 10 startups and thought it was cheap.",
Next, the ROI went south,
Left a bad taste in his mouth,
Now he double checks before he leaps.