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Semantic Filter

Filter outputs based on certain parameters to refine content, especially for professional or sensitive use cases.

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"Craft amusing anecdotes about mischievous pets. You need to name the kind of pet.
Exclude References to Cats and Dogs",

"Ferret Fiasco: My mischievous ferret once discovered the joys of redecorating when it rearranged my collection of shoes into a colorful maze, leaving me to navigate my way through footwear chaos."

Rabbit's Munchies: My crafty rabbit embarked on a daring kitchen escapade, managing to gnaw its way into the cookie jar. I found it cozily nestled among the cookies, living its best sweet-tooth life.",

Rebel Reptile: Who knew a bearded dragon could have an artistic side? Mine expressed its creative flair by leaving colorful footprints all over my sketchbook, giving it a reptilian makeover."

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