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Electrical Inspection Reimagined


Con Edison aims to revolutionize the electric inspection experience for both customers and inspectors. They've tasked our team with conducting a discovery phase to identify challenges and opportunities, and to ultimately propose a solution that improves the process.


Blockers Summary

​Long Waits

Delays in the process, marked by extended waiting periods, disrupt the efficiency of the inspection workflow

Siloed Processes

The lack of interconnected steps creates isolated procedures, resulting in inefficiencies and disjointed communication.

No Historic Data

Absence of historical information hinders decision-making and prevents the utilization of past insights.

No Communication

Gaps in communication channels lead to misunderstandings, delays, and a lack of coordination among stakeholders.

Extra Travel

Excessive travel or redundant steps contribute to unnecessary time and resource consumption.


Proposed Solution

Our proposal centers on a Virtual Inspection application designed to enable inspections to be carried out remotely, eliminating the need for travel and extensive scheduling, thereby streamlining the entire inspection process.

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